Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade 2019

It’s midnight or thereabouts, and I’ve just returned home from my first time visiting the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade.
I figured this would prove a challenging environment in which to get familiar with my new camera, and it sure was! Particularly as I was shooting with a manual focus lens (my new 15/2.8 Laowa).
There was a lot of flamboyance about the night (as one would expect), and most revellers were happy to pose for a pic.
To all those I shot (most of whom received my business card and will probably come in search of their image), thanks for being a heap of fun, AND being tolerant of me fumbling with my gear. You didn’t realise this was my first time out with this new kit.
My podcast co-host, Glynn, made the recommendation that I shoot with the 15mm wide angle, as it would allow me to get in close, and amongst the action. Good call, mate, good call.
More practise needed, no doubt, but I had a great time nonetheless.
