Sunrise at Nilaveli

Sri Lanka – day 12

Having checked the Photographer’s Ephemeris for a decent spot to set up for some sunrise magic, I got up early and headed out. Sadly, distant cloud sitting right on the horizon conspired against me again. I did grab one wide angle shot of the clouds, but… meh.

An hour or two later, after breakfast, we went back for another swim prior to heading south. I felt the beach warranted a shot from out in the water, looking back.

We started our trip south to Sigiriya. Along the way, I decided to stop at a roadside resort/hotel, only to find when we got inside, that a wedding was underway. Picture this… a 50 year old Aussie, in board shorts and thongs no less, getting invited to grab some shots of the wedding guests, and then to shoot the bride and groom! Wedding-crashers’r’us!
